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A Letter to my Kids – from Carina Baldauf

A Letter to my Kids – from Carina Baldauf

Written by Carina Baldauf

To my kids,

There is something that suits you so well – the courage to try new things. Your curiosity, your thirst for adventure! You stand before me, eyes shining, and tell me about your experiences, wildly gesticulating. The loveliest thing is how proud you are of yourselves.

In these moments, I see again and again how important it is to approach the world with an open heart and mind. Your dad and I made a conscious choice to encourage you to discover new things as often as possible – because that's the only way for you to find out what really excites you and where your own boundaries lie. People can't just rely on the experiences and opinions of others: Some things need to be experienced at first hand to really understand them. There's a saying in German: "You must touch life in order to be touched by it.”

Children climb in the climbing park

Your courage to try new things comes naturally. My job is merely to give you space for it. And believe me, at times I need to find my own courage to watch you on your adventures – often even half-covering my eyes.

The fact that mistakes and frustration come with the territory is a reality you’ve already experienced often. And precisely that is an important part of learning. The “failures” don’t matter – it’s the experience you gain that counts. Do you remember when you tried oysters on vacation? Your faces were priceless! And although you didn’t like them, now you know: “Hey, oysters are not for me.”

And then there are these moments that touch the heart, like that time we flew from the mountain together in a paraglider. The prickling in the air, the wind in our faces, and this indescribable feeling when we fell into each other’s arms again at the bottom – that will stay forever. Your great-great-grandma, who lost everything in the war, always said: “Everything can be taken from you except the stories and adventures you’ve experienced.” That is exactly what we want to give you: memories full of bursts of courage.

Trying new things doesn’t only mean experiencing adventures, but rather, and above all, getting to know your own selves better. You find out what is important to you and whom you can trust, and you learn to listen to your instincts. Think of the hungry little caterpillar that bursts from its cocoon and flies into freedom as a butterfly. It doesn’t know exactly what’s in store but trusts its instinct – and is rewarded for that.

This is my wish for you: that you will stay brave and curious, even if you don’t always know how everything will turn out. Making mistakes is fine. The only thing that matters is that you tried. Sometimes detours lead to the most wonderful discoveries.

Love always,

p.s. This letter is my attempt to put my many thoughts about your childhood into words. Maybe it's not perfect, but I also try new things - just like you.

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