outdoor study

On behalf of Generation Alpha – Please go outside with us!

On behalf of Generation Alpha – Please go outside with us!

Ever wonder what we – your kids – crave the most? Time with you – with our family! Sure, our wish lists may be filled with material things, but when you share stories about your own childhood, it's the experiences that come alive. Adventures in nature are the tales you share and that have stayed in your memories. Well, that's precisely what we want too. We want to create lasting memories. Experience moments - with you.

Do you think we prefer sitting in front of a screen today?

Please take our hands and go outside with us. Show us the joys of your childhood. Do you think we prefer sitting in front of a screen today, being entertained? No. While we sometimes enjoy just sitting there and immersing ourselves in the worlds of various characters and can learn a lot from it, we will never tell our children about it.

Please go outside with us – not just for the usual errands or scheduled activities like school, gymnastics, or flute lessons. Not only when there's a nearby playground for the typical swinging, rocking, and sliding.

You've hopped through puddles.

Today, you share stories of climbing trees, playing hide and seek in the cornfield, perfecting handstands in the garden, counting ladybugs, rescuing snails, building wooden tipis, organizing marble races in the courtyard, and brewing your own soups with sand, grass, and flowers. You remember hopping through puddles, stuffing your pockets with chestnuts, and experimenting to see how much water your rubber boots could hold. Perhaps you still know where and with whom you built the most beautiful snowman of your childhood, or the thrill of sliding down the hill behind the house on a sled. And let’s not forget that one special day of the year when you could run out of the house in a T-shirt again, ready to play hide and seek with the neighborhood kids. That feeling is unforgettable. And there's so much more.

Even with everything we've wished for from Santa Claus, Christkind, tooth fairies, Easter bunnies, and birthday fairies filling our children's rooms, it can be a limited space. Change only happens when human hands rearrange what's already there or introduce something new.

You are our guiding light.

When we go out and play in nature, there's a whole world of endless discoveries waiting for us! Colors, smells, sounds. When we experience nature with all our senses, we feel alive. Climbing trees, smelling flowers, sifting soil through our fingers, collecting stones, crafting artworks, feeling sunbeams tickle our noses, splashing in rivers, and rolling through the snow – these are the memories we want to collect.

Of course, it doesn't mean you have to be there all the time but you are our inspiration, our guidance. Please go outside with us and show us a world of adventures. We'll explore it ourselves, creating memories that last forever.

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